
OU Pokemon of the Week: Gliscor


HP: 75
Atk: 95
Def: 125
SpA: 45
SpD: 75
Spe: 95

Gliscor is a very good pokemon both defensively and offensively. It has a very good attack stat and also a great defense stat. Its speed is also quite fast, which makes Gliscor a very good addition to the team. Its abilities are also quite good. Hyper Cutter in order to prevent Gliscor's attack stat from being lowered, while Sand Veil to increase evasion in sandstorm. Particularly good for a sandstorm team.

252 HP/4 Def/252 Spe
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Jolly


This set is a very good set used to stall, because the only thing that could instantly kill Gliscor is a special Ice attack, especially Ice Beam. Surf can also sometimes kill Gliscor. But this set is a massive addition to a team. The taunt+roost+toxic combination works pretty well, with earthquake to fill in the STAB attack slot. But there is one perfect counter for the toxic set, which is Skarmory. Skarmory is immune to both attacks that Gliscor has. So U-Turn can be used as an alternative instead. The addition of a sandstorm summoning pokemon such as Tyranitar and Hippowdon can be a big help with Sand Veil as the ability.

252 HP/4 Def/252 Spe
Item: Leftovers
Nature: Jolly

Stealth Rock

This is the standard lead set for Gliscor. Stealth Rock and Taunt combination is obvious, just beware not to be taunted first by by faster leads such as Aerodactyl. Earthquake as primary STAB. Roost can be used to recover or U-Turn as an additional attack against Aerodactyl, Skarmory, and levitate pokemons.

Swords Dance
40 HP/252 Atk/216 Spe
Item: Life Orb
Nature: Jolly

Swords Dance
Stone Edge

This set is used to exploit Gliscor's quite high attack stat to sweep. Swords Dance is obvious. Earthquake as STAB, while Stone Edge is used for those immune to Earthquake. Roost used to recover damage.

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